Tag Chub

Muddy Chubby day

10.5M and falling The river flooded Friday night and most of Saturday. I wasn’t feeling well on Friday so wasn’t too disappointed to see the river rising. So I decided to have Friday and Saturday to stay home, look after myself and get a few jobs done in the hope that I was up to an outing on Sunday. Luckily…

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Morning Session

My plan of attack I only had a few hours today because I had an appointment at the passport office in Durham in the afternoon. The river had been up and down in the past few days and one of my friends had a great day between high waters where he had a Chub he estimated at 7lb-ish. So, I…

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Best Chub day on the Ure

Best laid plans… My intention was to wade out into the river from peg 12 (as I had in the summer) and fish the float alongside the far bank bushes. I was unsure how I would stand the cold on my feet as my waders have a waterproof neoprene sock with separate boots so my feet would be wet. However,…

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Great start & end

My plan I arrived at peg 5 about 3:30pm. My plan was as follows: – Plumb the depth along the downstream tree using my pole. Feed up mid-river with a groundbait of fishmeal, hemp, broken Scopex boilies. Feed up under the tree with a mix of liquidised bread, hemp, crushed Scopex boilies and micro meat cubes (2mm-ish). Whilst the fish…

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Fast water on the Swale

A first for me I have never float fished in fast shallow water so was really looking forward to today. Unfortunately it started to rain the night before and the forecast was for rain on and off all day with moderate wind and only 12 degrees. I considered taking some warmer clothes but decided that my fleece and waterproof (thin)…

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