Tag Carp

Out comes the Pole (sort of)

A new peg I have never fished peg 10 before so decided to give it a try. It is quite close to the island so I intended to alternate between waggler (for Ide) and feeder to the island with the hope of Carp. I was also going to fish a closer line on the float. Feeding via the Pole We…

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Chilly Day at Pond

Weather Last few days had been much colder following the very warm spell of a couple of weeks ago where some pond anglers sat in nothing but shorts (not even a shirt!). We have also had snow for the past 2 days that has melted as the sun came out. Today’s forecast was for a mixed day of sun, cloud,…

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2021 Closed Season Summary

A very cold spring What a strange spring, we had very little rain, freezing nights – even into May and the occasional sunny day. However the cold nights did nothing to raise the water temperature of the pond. This meant that the fish were very docile and not ready to spawn. Even the bankside vegetation and Lillies were held back.…

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My first match in 25 years

Preparation We had some lovely warm weather about 12 days before the match. However that only lasted two days and then we returned to near arctic conditions with nights below zero and snow showers that could popup at any time. This cold snap lasted all the way to the match day so it didn’t look good for the pond. I…

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A day at the Stockyard

A new peg for me I had planned to fish peg 19 as the wind was forecast to be coming from behind that peg. However, when I arrived the committee of Garry, Gary and Kevin were already there and fishing the pegs I had planned to try. However both Gar(r)ys recommended peg 12 (which should also have the wind behind…

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