Category Fishing

A lifelong passion

Opening day of the river fishing season

Long day at Ellenthorpe Went into 1st entrace, parked near corn dryers. Fished to the left (downstream) of the gate. Went just around the corner where it narrowed. Had a gap in farside trees opposite me. Mid river was about 13ft deep and slow flowing. Fished from 6:30 until 21:00. Had one bite that resulted in one Roach. This was…

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Welcome relief from Covid-19

Angling resumes in England I recently moved to Boroughbridge specifically to be near a North Yorkshire river and to spend time out on the river banks enjoying the wildlife and the angling. I moved in just at the tail end of the terrible floods that we experienced in the 2019/2020 winter. This also coincided with the start of the Covid-19…

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Fishing Log

This log will record all fish that I consider worthy of recording. This will vary by species but will be something along the lines of Chub >3lb, Barbel (any), Bream >4lb, Roach >1lb, Perch > 1.5lb. The Details column is a link to the blog write-up of that session. It is best viewed in landscape when using a phone. Barbel Date Venue…

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