Afternoon and evening at Ellenthorpe

Ellenthorpe Corn Dryers

Went into 1st entrace, parked near corn dryers.

Fished to the right (upstream) of the gate. Went just before the corner right at the far end of the first line of trees opposite. Had a gap in farside trees opposite me.

Mid river was about 11ft deep and very slow flowing.

Fished from 2:30 until 22:00. Decided to go all out on maggot in the hope of encouraging Chub or Barbel to feed. I used maggot feeder and got bites from the first cast. I got plenty of small knocks and fish but unfortunately they were all small Roach, Dace and Bleak. I did manage three Perch that were bigger than the other fish but not huge. I also tried the Avon float but there was a gusting downstream wind that made it almost unfishable with a stick/avon float. I managed a couple of fish on the Avon when the wind dropped occasionally. I gave up on the Avon and tried a Truncheon waggler. This was more controllable but still just small fish.

I did enjoy the session. It was a very busy one, interrupted by heavy downpours, with bites coming very frequently.

Had another small Pike attack my keepnet but I managed to fend it off before it hurt anything.

Nasty Surprise

I got to the gate about 22:30 to find that it was locked and all of the farm buildings were in darkness. Thankfully my mum was at my house and able to look after the dog. I also had a fair bit of packup left so slept (rather well) in my car until I could escape at 7:00am!