Best Chub day on the Ure

Best laid plans…

My intention was to wade out into the river from peg 12 (as I had in the summer) and fish the float alongside the far bank bushes. I was unsure how I would stand the cold on my feet as my waders have a waterproof neoprene sock with separate boots so my feet would be wet.

However, when I got to the peg I could not see the bottom and the river was slightly up making wading inadvisable.

So, I decided to fish peg 14- one of my favourite pegs on this stretch and it had produced 2 Chub in last Sunday’s match.

My plan of attack

I had made up some bread mash in addition to my usual mixture of liquidised bread and hemp. So, I would start immediately throwing in small clumps of the mash to hopefully entice some Chub whilst I set everything up. I would then fish the float along that line using my new rod- a 12ft Cadence Match 2. I would also switch to bread feeder if the float wasn’t producing or my hands were cold.

A promising start

I was running my float toward the downstream bush that is a favourite haunt of the Chub. The current tended to bring the float toward my bank just as it reached the bush. After several trots through I had not had a bite so I cast a little further out and let my float trot past the bush – bang – I hooked a Chub. Unfortunately I had my drag set too light and the Chub stripped line and got me in the bush. I tried slackening my line to see if it swam out but it just got my further entangled. In the end I had to snap my line and lost my float and everything.

If at first you don’t succeed…

I tackled up again and hit into a Chub on my next trot through. It wasn’t big, maybe 2lb but it was very pleasant on the float.

After about 20 minutes think I hooked into another Chub briefly before my line snapped- resulting in another lost float.

I tried for about another hour but got no further bites. Also, a strong/cold downstream wind was making float fishing difficult and my hands very cold (especially with throwing in wet bread mash).

Feeder time

I put on a small cage feeder, filled it with liquidised bread and hemp. Put bread on the hook with a BB shot about 2 inches from the hook to keep the bread on the bottom. I cast it near the downstream bush and started to setup my other feeder rod intended to fish a maggot feeder over near the far bank. About that time, a fellow angler came by and we started chatting – just then my tip went round and I had another Chub of a similar size. I cast in again, still haven’t had time to setup my other rod. It wasn’t long before I got another quick. I waited for a minute to see if the fish returned and it did -resulting in a larger Chub this time.

A new achievement for me

I do not think I have ever managed more than 2 Chub in a single session on the Ure so, with 3 in the net this was turning into a good day.

I fished on for another hour or so before deciding to rest the peg and go for a walk and chat with my fellow anglers. The wind was getting quite strong and very bitter so I doubted that the float would be used again.

Lunch then try again

The strong winds had made it impractical to fish the far bank so I lowered my rod rest and fished bread near the bush and worm out in the main flow about 1/4 across the river. I did get one quick bite on the worm but missed it and the fish got my worm.

I also got a half-bite on bread but the fish did not return this time.

Afternoon sun

Around mid afternoon the sun broke through and was in a good position to make my yellow float tip easily visible – it had been tricky earlier. The wind also settled a little bit so out came the float rod again.

I tried nearside trots, trots down to the bush and trots out into the main flow. Eventually I got a bite that resulted in Chub number 4 – another very enjoyable fish on the float. This Cadence rod can certainly handle the Chub well.


I fished until the light started to fade hoping that a better sized Chub might show up but it wasn’t to be. Still, this had been my best day’s Chub fishing on the Ure. Catching on both float and tip was very enjoyable and the bait couldn’t have been simpler. I tried the Cricket Field several times last winter and never saw a Chub. They seem to be here this year. We are all guessing that the lack of recent winter floods have encouraged the Chub to move back toward their spawning grounds (near the bridge).It is a little early for that but I guess they are lead by the weather.

I am hoping to fish the next 2 days (shorther sessions). I also intend to travel lighter and fish a few pegs each day. Fingers crossed I can locate more Chub.

My best net of Chub so far on the Ure