Ure Cricket Field, bigger Chub

Harder going today

I could not resist another attempt at peg 14. I had intended to fish from about 9:30am through the day but wanted to get in peg 14 before anyone else arrived so left home at 6:30. I was gutted when I arrived to find 2 cars already there and I knew one was Kevin’s and was sure he would be in peg 14. Never mind, I trudged along to the river and passed all of the earlier pegs with no sign of Kevin. I was amazed to find peg 14 free so was in it like a shot! Kevin had chosen the next peg along 🙂

It was quite windy and getting windier. Bites were very fickle and few and far between and hard to see in the wind. I tried meat, lobworms, casters, cheese and nothing produced a proper bite, just little pecks.

After several hours I tried a lump of flake on the bomb. It had hardly settled when I got my first proper bite but missed it. The second cast resulted in another quick bite but no fish. I did not get any other so had an idea.

I had brought my Avon rod so set that up with a large Avon float. It was quite difficult due to a gusty downstream wind and a swirling current but, after many attempts and changes of depth, I managed to get the float to trot right into the bush. Wham, it shot under and the result was this 4lb Chub. I really enjoyed catching it on the float as I felt I had earned it and outwitted the fish.

4lb Chub

The day just got windier and windier making float fishing impossible. My last cast of the day on the bomb resulted in this smaller Chub.

Small Chub

Having learned the lesson yesterday, I did set up my camera straight away. I attach it to a bankstick then have a cable to the camera so that I can take the picture whilst holding the fish. One downside of this is the British weather – it rained several times today. So, thinking cap on…

Protecting my camera