Month April 2022

Full Day on the Method

The plan Today was all about finding out if I could catch enough fish on the Method feeder during the day to be competitive in a match. I know I can catch in the evening when Carp and Bream typically feed but daytime is a different proposition. I planned to fish peg 12 and cast right out to near the…

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Sunny evening on the Lake

The plan I planned to fish peg 11 and fish toward the island. I hoped to catch Carp and hopefully a nice Bream or two. I would again start with 5 minute casts, then; after an hour, switch to 6 minute casts. I would also be firing in half a dozen or so pellets via the catapult each cast Consistent…

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An evening on the lake

An experimental session The purpose of today’s evening session was to see if I could get them going on the method feeder and, especially, the Robin Red pellets. I hadn’t had success with these on Saturday where corn was the best bait. Arrival I arrived around 4pm and decided on peg 21. The intention being to fish the method to…

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Short session on the Method

Intro Having seen the method feeder catch a few fish on Robin Red pellets, I decided to head to the tackle shop and get some 8mm pre-drilled Robin Red hard pellets and some “method ready” feed pellets. These have a shelf life of 6 months and are ready to be used directly in a method feeder without needing to be…

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Not cracked it

Intro Today’s plan was to see if I had really cracked it with the chopped worm. The short answer is “no”, it was a very patchy day. I decided to try peg 5. Busy pond I have never seen so many pleasure anglers on the lake. The air pressure was high and the weather was quite warm and bright. There…

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