A new personal best

Average session with a cherry on top

The river had been near normal for the last couple of days and it had been a mild and bright day. So my attention turned once again to Perch fishing at the Corn Dryer part of the Ellenthorpe stretch.

I fished my Barbel rod mid river with a hair rigged Halibut pellet for bait and a PVA mesh bag full of free offerings. I did not see any sign of Barbel but did get a long slow pull on the tip that resulted in a foul-hooked Pike that I netted. This was only a fish of about 3-4 pounds.

Most of my concentration was on the Perch line that was fished about 1/4 of the way across the river in the slow, shallow area where Perch are known to hunt. I fished with Lobworm in the hope of getting a large Perch or even a Chub. As it turns out, bites were much more sporadic than I expected. I ended up with half a dozen small-average Perch a three 6-8oz Roach.

I had kept the Perch and Roach in a keepnet but they started getting restless as the light level diminished. I was wary of a Pike attacking my net so decided to release the fish before that happened.

Just as I resettled into my chair, my tip started to rattle and I struck into my personal best Perch of 2lb 8oz. I have never had a Perch over 2lb so this brought a big smile. It’s a shame I didn’t frame myself correctly in the photo but at least the Perch looks proud: –

2lb 8oz Perch