Ure Cricket Field, evening session

More Chub

I had hoped to go to the river on Sunday evening but it was very windy and raining and, worst of all, the river was rising.

Today the weather is much better and the level is just starting to fall. I fished peg 14 again and rather than being 5-6 feet above the water as I had been on previous visits, this time I was just a few inches above the river.

I tried some cheese paste that I had made but it was too soft/sticky and was very difficult to cast. I did manage to gently swing out a lump and got a bite pretty quickly but missed it. I will firm up the paste tomorrow and look forward to trying it again.

I then tried lobworm and bread. Nothing on lobworm and some tentative bites on bread that I could not hit. Then tried caster to no avail.

I then swung out a lump of meat straight in front of me and just this side of the flow. After a few mins the rod bent around and I was into the following 4lb Chub. It fought really well: –

4lb Chub and it’s big mouth!

I got no more bites out in front of me so tried the slack just in front of the downstream bush. It was hard to judge the bush as a lot of it was submerged and I snagged up a few times. Eventually I got the placement right and was rewarded with a 3lb 4oz Chub also to meat.

Both of tonight’s fish fell to my feeder rod instead of the Barbel rod. This also had 6lb rather than 8lb line. The Chub gave a great fight on that gear.

Alas, I then hit into a Barbel on that same rod and near the bush – again on meat. It took me straight into the bush but I got it out. After several lunges into the main flow it finally snapped me about 2 inch from my hook. I think the line had been weakened rubbing in the bush. I never saw the fish so can’t estimate it’s weight.

Here is the end result of my session: –

4lb Chub and 3lb 4oz Chub

This was a thoroughly enjoyable session and was crowned off by this marvellous sunset: –

Sunset over the river