Month August 2020

A new personal best

Average session with a cherry on top The river had been near normal for the last couple of days and it had been a mild and bright day. So my attention turned once again to Perch fishing at the Corn Dryer part of the Ellenthorpe stretch. I fished my Barbel rod mid river with a hair rigged Halibut pellet for…

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Mid river success

Near normal level The river level was only a foot or so above its usual level so I decided on the Cricket Field, peg 6. My plan was to fish the usual downstream bush with my Chub rod, alternating between Cheese paste, Lobworm and Luncheon meat and to fish my Barbel rod out in the main flow but, and this…

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Very wet week off work

Lots of rain, few fish That sentence sums up my week. I took a week off work and had plans to fish lots of different swims and tactics including trotting for silvers, Perch fishing in the shallows and a session at the lake for Bream. However the weather put paid to those plans. We have had lots of rain, strong…

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Hiding from the wind

Weather forecast not good I planned to fish from mid afternoon until dusk on the Cricket Field stretch. The main problem was that very strong and gusty winds were forecast and that always makes fishing difficult. On top of that there had been quite heavy rains up to lunchtime so that would necessitate taking a brolly – which is also…

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Enjoyable Roving Session

Super light this time After Sunday’s blank session I decided to have another roving session. This time I would take only 1 rod, 1 bankstick and my landing net (no keepnet). I also used a bait pouch that attaches around my waist (like a bum-bag) and has several different sized pouches that all seal with velcro. In the pouch I…

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