Month June 2020

Ure Cricket Field, rising fast

Worth a try, nearly in flood Saw that the level was rising today so thought it worth a try in the evening. Fished peg 3 and water was already 1.5m up. It continued to rise at about a foot per hour. Tried meat, halibut pellets and cheese. No bites. Lost a few weights of the 1.3oz size. Good thing is…

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Evening session at Ellenthorpe

Big baits – sit and wait Went into 1st entrace, parked at the second entrance to the river. Fished to the right (upstream) of the gate and 2 pegs before the wires. Fished from 18:00 until 21:00. I decided to concentrate on big baits and bomb. I did not get any bites but that’s fine; I was holding out for…

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Cricket Field match result

The club held a match on the Cricket Field stretch of the river. I had a ride out to see how they got on. The match was one with just over 5lb consisting of small fish although one or two nice Dace and Perch. One guy had a Barbel on his 2nd cast but it took him straight into a…

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Afternoon and evening at Ellenthorpe

Ellenthorpe Corn Dryers Went into 1st entrace, parked near corn dryers. Fished to the right (upstream) of the gate. Went just before the corner right at the far end of the first line of trees opposite. Had a gap in farside trees opposite me. Mid river was about 11ft deep and very slow flowing. Fished from 2:30 until 22:00. Decided…

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Opening day of the river fishing season

Long day at Ellenthorpe Went into 1st entrace, parked near corn dryers. Fished to the left (downstream) of the gate. Went just around the corner where it narrowed. Had a gap in farside trees opposite me. Mid river was about 13ft deep and slow flowing. Fished from 6:30 until 21:00. Had one bite that resulted in one Roach. This was…

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