Month January 2020

RSS Readers

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Fishing Log

This log will record all fish that I consider worthy of recording. This will vary by species but will be something along the lines of Chub >3lb, Barbel (any), Bream >4lb, Roach >1lb, Perch > 1.5lb. The Details column is a link to the blog write-up of that session. It is best viewed in landscape when using a phone. Barbel Date Venue…

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Fishing Targets

I don’t generally set targets for pleasure fishing but, having moved to Boroughbridge for the fishing, it seems only right that I set myself some objectives. That will encourage me to experiment with baits (e.g. cheese paste, slugs etc) and techniques (e.g. roving, touch ledgering etc). Also, some sessions may be quite short with little tackle but aimed directly at…

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